ScriptManager and Shout (was: Techo and Shout)

astares at astares at
Thu Nov 17 08:50:11 UTC 2005

Hi Jason,

Integration for Techo was very easy: since Techo was already a 
subclass of Workspace I changed the superclass to SHWorkspace and
replaced the TextEditor in #buildWindow with a MorphicTextEditor.
SHWorkspace/Workspace already has support for bindings so 
nothing had to be done here.

Note that shout requires three callbacks #shoutAboutToStyle:,
#hasBindingThatBeginsWith: and #hasBindingOf: wich were already 
implemented in SHWorkspace.

I've implemented Shout support into ScriptManager, have a look

or load it using the SqueakMap Package loader from within your image
(package "ScriptManager Shout")

NOTE: the provided version supports Shout but does not yet have eCompletion 
support. Depending on your time you may want to add it. Have a look into 
category *ecomplection in class Workspace to start.

Here are the steps in detail:

1. Replace method #editorMorph with:


	^MorphicTextEditor default 
		on: self 
		text: #contents 
		accept: #contents:notifying:
		readSelection: #contentsSelection 
		menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:.

2. Implement a method #shoutAboutToStyle in ScriptManager
shoutAboutToStyle: aPluggableShoutMorphOrView
	"set up the compilation class in aPluggableShoutMorphOrView.
	Answer true if styling should go ahead, false otherwise"
		classOrMetaClass: nil;
		workspace: self.

3. Implement other callbacks 
implemented #hasBindingOf: and #hasBindingThatBeginsWith: to return false

4. Register in World menu:
	Scripts := Dictionary new.
	TheWorldMenu registerOpenCommand: {'Script Manager'. {self. #openBrowser}}.

5. Implement unload to remove the world menu entry
	"Called when the class is being removed"

	TheWorldMenu unregisterOpenCommandWithReceiver: self.


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