RunArray improvement request

tim Rowledge tim at
Wed Nov 23 02:20:45 UTC 2005

There's a number of places where a RunArray needs some of its values  
replaced - to add or remove a text emphasis for example - and the  
current idiom for that is the hideous snippet

runs _  runs copyReplaceFrom: start to: stop
			with: ((runs copyFrom: start to: stop)
				[:attributes | Text addAttribute: att toArray: attributes])

Which personally I find rather ugly. It's also rather inefficient,  
involving I think 5 partial copies of the RunArray and assorted  
redundant crapulence.

Somebody with a little time to spare might increase their karma  
considerably by providing a nicer method for this. Perhaps  
RunArray>from: startIndex to: stopInde mapValue: [:originalValue| "a  
block returning whatever is supposed to replace originalValue"] ?

tim Rowledge; tim at;

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