Keyboard bindings

David Shaffer cdshaffer at
Sun Oct 2 16:10:57 UTC 2005

Tony Garnock-Jones wrote:

> Romain Robbes wrote:
>> some people still need it).  I'd really like to remove the mode,
>> but finding a good keystroke+clicking combination is tough. The same 
>> thing applies to keyboard shortcuts by the way.
> How might we *emacsify* the keyboard bindings?
> One of my favourite things about emacs is being able to
> (defun word-count nil "Count words in buffer"
>   (interactive)
>   (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max) "wc -w"))
> ...and, by virtue of the "(interactive)" subform, my brand new
> function is suddenly available for user-configurable keybinding and/or
> execution via M-x.
> How can we do a similar thing in Squeak?
> Could method annotations help here?
> Regards,
>   Tony

Romain suggested that you can provide a "word count service".  As he
noted it is a bit more work than a ELISP function.  Also, if all you
want is a keyboard shortcut you could simply create a class to house
your favorite ones and then use Keymapping to activate the methods. 
This is a bit shorter than services but also less capable.  I'll code up
your example just to prove that it isn't much harder than ELISP:

Object subclass: #MyShortcuts
    instanceVariableNames: ''
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
    category: 'Keymapping-Examples'

" clas side "
countWords: event forMorph: aMorph
    | words |
    (aMorph isKindOf: TextMorph) ifFalse: [^nil].
    words := (aMorph contents asString findTokens: {Character space.
Character cr. Character lf. Character tab}) size.
    self inform: 'Words: ' , words printString

Then, in a TextMorph press <c-k> to raise the keymap editor.  Select the
"TextMorph" tab, press <m-a> (or use the popup menu) to add an entry
(see attached image).

That should do it.  Press <c-o> in any TextMorph and you get a word
count.  You can, of course, save your keymap so that you can use it in
all of your images.


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