Need to do something

Hernan Tylim htylim at
Thu Oct 13 14:04:11 UTC 2005

Hi Göran,

> Now, the idea was not to post about this until Ken and I had learned
> more :), but I couldn't help it. What do you guys think?

I have  a question. One that I have since a very long time, but I always 
feared to pop up one of these kind of threads.

What happens with the packages that nobody wants to steward ? I ask 
because I think that nobody will take care of something that don't use, 
or directly need.

So. If there will be packages with no stewards. What will happen with 
the fixes and enh related to them ?

Well. I know that what I will gonna say is not liked by many here, but 

We need to stop having one unique (or official) squeak image. We need to 
have a Bob's image, and a Peter's image, and so on. And because they are 
owned images, those images will be good cared. And the rest of us (the 
followers like Chris said), will just choose which image we like more 
and we will use it.

This schema means that Bob will stop sharing things with Peter ? No. If 
Bob wants the goodies of Peter, and viceversa, they will both work to 
adapt they images and goodies to be shareable. Here all the work and 
what needs to be done will be done out of necessity, and by the people 
who need it.

Will this fragment the community ? not more than it is right now (this 
thread is a probe of that). And I also dare to say that it might reduce 
the fragmentation by calming the ones who currently don't feel represented.

Thanks for reading and don't flame me too hard.



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