Need to do something

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at
Thu Oct 13 18:13:00 UTC 2005

Hernan Tylim puso en su mail :

> Hi Göran,
> [...]
>> Now, the idea was not to post about this until Ken and I had learned
>> more :), but I couldn't help it. What do you guys think?
> I have  a question. One that I have since a very long time, but I always
> feared to pop up one of these kind of threads.
> What happens with the packages that nobody wants to steward ? I ask
> because I think that nobody will take care of something that don't use,
> or directly need.
> So. If there will be packages with no stewards. What will happen with
> the fixes and enh related to them ?
> Well. I know that what I will gonna say is not liked by many here, but
> anyways:
> We need to stop having one unique (or official) squeak image. We need to
> have a Bob's image, and a Peter's image, and so on. And because they are
> owned images, those images will be good cared. And the rest of us (the
> followers like Chris said), will just choose which image we like more
> and we will use it.
> This schema means that Bob will stop sharing things with Peter ? No. If
> Bob wants the goodies of Peter, and viceversa, they will both work to
> adapt they images and goodies to be shareable. Here all the work and
> what needs to be done will be done out of necessity, and by the people
> who need it.
> Will this fragment the community ? not more than it is right now (this
> thread is a probe of that). And I also dare to say that it might reduce
> the fragmentation by calming the ones who currently don't feel represented.
> Thanks for reading and don't flame me too hard.
> Regards,
> Hernán
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I agree at all.



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