asArray method in Sets (please ignore previous draft if you receive it)

tim Rowledge tim at
Mon Oct 17 16:15:09 UTC 2005

On 17-Oct-05, at 6:51 AM, Jason Rogers wrote:

> What about this:
> ========
> Set>#asArray
> ^self class = Set
>     ifTrue: [self alternativeAsArray]
>     ifFalse: [super asArray]
> ========
a) it's unbelievably ugly
b) you've added more message sends (well, strictly speaking a couple  
of bytecoded sends, a faked send and a literal reference, assumingthe  
compiler hasn't changedhugely since last time I looked)
c) improper use of explicit class names and checking them is an  
offence against  the Smalltalk Acceptable Style and Techniques Act of  
1978, section 2 part q subsection ii and carries a maximum term of  
thirty-six months of penal servitude coding in an  inferior language  
of the Chief Justice (Programming)'s choice. Guess who is currently  
the aforementioned Chief Justice :-)

tim Rowledge; tim at;

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