copy: self shallowCopy postCopy

stéphane ducasse ducasse at
Tue Oct 18 21:07:18 UTC 2005

I was teaching today and showing to the students the difference of  
between squeak and vw for managing copy.

Squeak tries to have a smart generic way to copying objects and vw
does the inverse delegate as much as possible to the objects which is
much more oo and scalable (no deepInnerDeepDeepCopy).

So I was thinking that it may be good to think if we want to introduce
the same mechanism than in vw because it make a lot of sense to me.

     self shallowCopy postCopy

     ^ self

then the classes can decide how they implement their own copy
overriding postCopy

So nice.
I will have to study carefully the one of Squeak but I guess that vw  
had the
same generic external approach and they realized it would not work in  
since each class can be willing to have another copy semantics.


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