pending mac vm 3.8.9b5

John M McIntosh johnmci at
Thu Oct 20 05:07:25 UTC 2005

On 19-Oct-05, at 10:36 AM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> Am 19.10.2005 um 18:54 schrieb John M McIntosh:
>> Morning,
>> On 19-Oct-05, at 4:57 AM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>>> Hi John.
>>> I still found a few problems:
>>> * The launching of another copy of the VM does not work anymore  
>>> with b5 for me.
>> Works for me, do you have multiple VMs running or something? Is  
>> this a squeak image file? What happens?
>> I'll note an image must either end with
>> .ima
>> .image
>> .IMA
>> or be of file type STim
>> if you copy say foobar.image from a unix or windows machine you  
>> may loose the file type info.
>> what can be reset of course via the cmd line.
> It's actually named *.image and is opened with the file view inside  
> the first image. I just noticed it works for some images now, but  
> not all. I guess this relates to some images still marked as to be  
> opened by default with an older VM (although that VM is *not*  
> started but 3.8.9b5), or even have a blue icon from Ian's VM.  
> According to "mdls" one that does not work (that is opened as text  
> in the first image) has a kMDItemFSCreatorCode=0, but its name  
> still ends in .image.

Mmmm I'll note you get all sorts of information about a file, but  
also see GetFileInfo, what does it say?

[otter:~/Shared/Squeak3.7a-5566] johnmci% mdls  
Squeak3.7a-5657SARVM.image -------------
kMDItemAttributeChangeDate     = 2005-10-19 09:44:18 -0700
kMDItemContentCreationDate     = 2004-02-25 19:28:05 -0800
kMDItemContentModificationDate = 2004-02-25 19:28:05 -0800
kMDItemContentType             = "dyn.ah62d4rv4ge80w5pbq7wu"
kMDItemContentTypeTree         = ("", "public.item")
kMDItemDisplayName             = "Squeak3.7a-5657SARVM.image"
kMDItemFSContentChangeDate     = 2004-02-25 19:28:05 -0800
kMDItemFSCreationDate          = 2004-02-25 19:28:05 -0800
kMDItemFSCreatorCode           = 1178686292
kMDItemFSFinderFlags           = 0
kMDItemFSInvisible             = 0
kMDItemFSLabel                 = 0
kMDItemFSName                  = "Squeak3.7a-5657SARVM.image"
kMDItemFSNodeCount             = 0
kMDItemFSOwnerGroupID          = 0
kMDItemFSOwnerUserID           = 501
kMDItemFSSize                  = 14938392
kMDItemFSTypeCode              = 1398040941
kMDItemID                      = 327655
kMDItemKind                    = "Squeak Image File"
kMDItemLastUsedDate            = 2005-10-19 09:44:17 -0700
kMDItemUsedDates               = (
     2004-02-25 19:28:05 -0800,
     2005-06-17 17:00:00 -0700,
     2005-07-15 17:00:00 -0700,
     2005-07-17 17:00:00 -0700,
     2005-07-18 17:00:00 -0700,
     2005-07-19 17:00:00 -0700,
     2005-07-20 17:00:00 -0700,
     2005-07-21 17:00:00 -0700,
     2005-07-25 17:00:00 -0700,
     2005-10-18 17:00:00 -0700

[otter:~/Shared/Squeak3.7a-5566] johnmci% /Developer/Tools/ 
GetFileInfo Squeak3.7a-5657SARVM.image

file: "/Users/johnmci/Shared/Squeak3.7a-5566/Squeak3.7a-5657SARVM.image"
type: "STim"
creator: "FAST"
attributes: avbstclinmedz
created: 02/25/2004 19:28:05
modified: 02/25/2004 19:28:05

MMMM running a debug VM and setting a breakpoint shows me I've got a  
bug, not setting the image name correctly so the
check for *.image does not work, and if the filetype is not STim then  
it does not think it's an image file.
I'll have to create a new VM.

>>> * the image in the resources folder must end in .image - renaming  
>>> it to another extension brings up the image selection dialog
>> Unable to recreate this, I put a file in my resource  
>> folder and changed the plist to say and it works.
> Arghhh - when I renamed the image in Finder it still appended  
> a .image extension but did not show it. Grrr.
>>> * setting SqueakImageName="../runtime.image" does not find the  
>>> image in the "Contents" folder of the app bundle
>> Nope that won't work, besides putting image in Contents folder is  
>> illegal usage, resources must go in resources folder.
> Okay. But giving "test/runtime.image" and having a subfolder in the  
> resources folder does not work either ;-)

Nope, just the file name is only allowed in the resource folder, the  
call doesn't appear to let one wander about the directory tree.

> - Bert -

John M. McIntosh <johnmci at> 1-800-477-2659
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.

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