The leaders (was Re: Smalltalk and Self)

Victor Rodriguez victor.palique at
Wed Sep 7 04:39:34 UTC 2005


2005/9/5, goran at <goran at>:
> Hi Victor and all!
> Victor Rodriguez <victor.palique at> wrote:
> The Coordinator group is the "clear leadership" right now. We have been
> in a slump though, and we admit it, well Marcus and Doug have been
> putting in hours but me and Cees for example have been quite busy with
> our private lives. We intend to do something about this though (not
> clear just yet exactly what).

>From what I can see now, you guys are managing quite well. It just
needs to be more apparent!

> Well, the Swiki tends to come a bit down the prio list. It is huge and
> IMHO very hard to keep up to date so lots of us don't really bother. And
> the fact is that Swikis tend to make people afraid of deleting old info
> because you don't know who is the author and if you will upset that
> person or not.

This is all so true..  Even at work, where we are only a few, the wiki
takes a lot of effort to keep up to date.

> So I don't have a good answer to what we should do to improve the Swiki
> (a part of the obvious need to devote a few hours to it of course and
> fix some of the glaring problems).
> Perhaps someone could arrange a CleanUpSqueakSwikiWeek? That would be
> great. Care to help doing that? (you knew it was coming, didn't ya? :))

Well, I knew this was coming from the moment I decided to start typing
:-) As a matter of fact, it is the reason why I held back so long!

As I mentioned in another post, I only get only a few precious hours
to devote to Smalltalk, so somebody else will have to organize this
for the time being. I'll try to update wiki pages as I see them,

> Well, we are all listening, and we mostly are aware of the problems.
> Now, the best thing you can do is to join in and help us. The website
> Team for example - why not join that list and help out?

Alright, I joined that list too, no need to twist arms! :-)

Best Regards,

Victor Rodriguez.

> regards, Göran

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