MorphicSplitters part 1 ready for inclusion

jmvsqueak jmvsqueak at
Wed Sep 7 22:45:22 UTC 2005

> Jan
> excellent. Why don't you MC?

Thanks. I'm asking for this to be included in the update stream. So I followed the 'classic' aproach. Is there any advantage in using MC for this?

> Are there some class extensions?

I'm not sure I understand the question. So, I state what the cs does. It does not modify anything. (there aren't any method or class definitions). It creates a few packages and moves into them a lot of existing classes and methods. Lots of moved methods become class extensions.

Everybody, please download it, file it in. Then open a MC browser. Browse Morphic, to see it has a lot less stuff inside. Then browse MorphicExtras and EToys. See the kinds of classes I moved into these packages, and the methods I put in them as extensions. Tell what do you think!

> Stef


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