About MAC VM

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at gmx.de
Mon Sep 12 22:48:51 UTC 2005

John M McIntosh wrote:
> Well the problem is that when you double click on an image in the  
> finder, *IT* looks in it's magic table of file types or file suffixes  
> and say's mmm that Squeak application over there
> says it handles files of type Squeak or suffixes of .image and look  one 
> is running already, so let's do an Apple Event open document  request to 
> it. This incorrectly assumes of course you run one copy of  your 
> application which handles multiple open documents.

But that would be okay if, say, the VM handled the open document event 
and spawns a new VM with the image in question, no? It might be somewhat 
confusing if you actually drop an image onto another running Squeak and 
expect it to be handled inside Squeak itself but my guess is that most 
people would prefer this to the current situation and it could also be 
controlled via some (VM-level) preference.

   - Andreas

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