Info on Smalltalk DSLs or Metaprogramming...

Wilkes Joiner wilkesjoiner at
Mon Aug 14 16:55:09 UTC 2006

Here is a blog entry of mine about using the Refactoring Browsers code
to generate classes for me:

The Behavior>>compile: method will add a new method onto a class.

For instance methods:
MyClass compile: 'someAttribute
    ^ someAttribute'

For class methods:
MyClass class compile: 'aClassMethod
   "Do some stuff"'

On 8/14/06, Rich Warren <rwmlist at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've seen several online articles about writing Domain Specific
> Languages in Ruby. All the articles mention that the idea of DSLs
> comes largely from Lisp and Smalltalk. I've found descriptions on
> writing DSLs in Lisp--but I can't seem to find any good references
> for Smalltalk.
> Does anyone have any helpful pointers? If I'm going to follow the
> Ruby model, then I need to be able to execute arbitrary strings as
> code (which Compiler evaluate: and related functions seems to
> handle). I also need to be able to add new methods to classes/
> instances at runtime--which I haven't found.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> -Rich-

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