Proposal for Extensible Primitives (was: FFI)

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Wed Aug 16 06:51:08 UTC 2006

Damien Cassou wrote:
> Andreas Raab wrote:
>> In this case my proposal would be to solve the problem we have, not 
>> the one we don't have ;-) I don't mind some discussion about ways in 
>> which to change the FFI but they should be weighed relative to the 
>> fact that the FFI is an already deployed subsystem and changing its 
>> syntax means that every single line that was ever written in it will 
>> break instantly (or worse, it won't even load).
> Don't you think that the sooner refactoring is done the easier it is? 

I'm cool with refactoring. The more the merrier. And do you know what 
the term refactoring means? :

	"Refactoring is the process of rewriting a computer program or other 
material to improve its structure or readability, while explicitly 
preserving its meaning or behavior"

Let's repeat the last part: "while explicitly preserving its meaning or 
behavior". Not to break things. I'm perfectly cool with that.

   - Andreas

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