Image Unique Identifier

Ramon Leon ramon.leon at
Tue Aug 22 21:22:19 UTC 2006

Speaking of UUID's, I have a need for something like a UUID, but shorter,
more human readable.  I'd be fine with a UUID, but the biz folks don't like

A buddy and I came up with the following...

(String streamContents: [:string | 
    (MD5 hashMessage: UUID new) 
        do: [:each | string nextPutAll: (each printStringBase: 36)]]) 
truncateTo: 16

It does an MD5 hash on a GUID, then takes the base36 string of each
resulting number, and chops the string to a length of 16.  I'm just guessing
on the 16, might try it longer or shorter, hopefully shorter.  Was wondering
if anyone had any comments about this, or an alternate approach?

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