Scripting syntax: all expressions or declarations?

Damien Pollet damien.pollet at
Wed Aug 23 10:46:38 UTC 2006


We were discussing options to adapt the smalltalk syntax to write code
in files. The main problem is that methods in smalltalk are parsed
separately, and the method patterns won't fit if we are to put several
method declarations in a single file.

- Stef prefers a dedicated declarative syntax (like the one of Pepsi,
and that would indeed be nice to be compatible and not invent yet
another nearly identical syntax)
- I'm more fond of an "everything is an expression" syntax, so a
source file would just be a big doIt in regular syntax with messages
like #subclass:instanceVariables: or #>> and probably a extended block
syntax to give them selectors.

Do you know any discussions about this part of language design? I like
the all-expression way because it feels more interactive, but we will
probably need to abuse the smalltalk syntax to make it really

 Damien Pollet
 type less, do more

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