3dot9, can somebody say where we are in the release process?

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at gmx.de
Sat Aug 26 22:45:42 UTC 2006

Peace Jerome wrote:
> 1) There are reports of the sources being corrupted.

I don't know where this stands but I would recommend just issuing 
another update that fixes those methods that are broken instead of 
redoing the entire condenseSources process.

> 2) The need for some really big changes are coming out
> of the woodwork.

Not sure what you mean by that.

> -- ffi removal and the consequences of that.

The only consequence is that packages who need it will have to ensure 
that the FFI is loaded first. If there are any other issues I'm unaware 
of them.

> -- source file limitations

Not sure what these limitations are - one of the reasons for making a 
new sources file was precisely to address some of these issues before 
they become a problem.

> 3) Some problems with condensed sources have become
> apparent to some. (see 1) 
> -- how are these affecting the release?

It seems to me that there may be a problem in condenseSources but since 
we can simply reissue an updated with the methods in question fixed, 
this is by no means a show-stopper.

   - Andreas

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