Drawing lines in Balloon3D?

Rich Warren rwmlist at gmail.com
Mon Aug 28 08:38:10 UTC 2006

On Aug 27, 2006, at 9:50 PM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> Am 28.08.2006 um 03:26 schrieb Rich Warren:
>> Does anyone know how to draw lines in Balloon3D? I want to add  
>> simple, straight lines to a surface graph (based on the surface  
>> graph tutorial).
> It's not supported by the plugin. There are hooks for polylines in  
> the API though, I once implemented those using Balloon2D (meaning  
> they could not be hidden behind a 3D mesh). Very long time ago, not  
> sure if I can find it - it was more a hack than anything else.
> Your best bet would be to just construct a tube mesh connecting the  
> nodes.
> - Bert -

Well, that's disappointing. I was hoping to make lines that would  
appear at a given width regardless of the distance to the camera.  
These would be the X, Y and Z origins for a data surface, so  they  
would need to be able to correctly penetrate solid objects.

The tube idea is probably the best bet--though they may disappear  
when I zoom out.


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