Traits in use (was Re: Re: Squeak and Namespaces)

Lukas Renggli renggli at
Fri Dec 1 19:32:27 UTC 2006

> I've not tried to use them but I did trip over them when working on
> cleaning up the compiled method source pointer mess (which I still
> haven't finished, rats). The problem is that the tool support appears
> to be missing, which is a real pain. For example, I edit a trait-
> method in one place that it is incorporated (imported? linked?
> whatever) and there is nothing that tells me it is a trait, or asks
> me if I want to make my change a local version or a global one or
> anything at all.

OmniBrowser has a small extension in 3.9 that shows imported methods
in italic, redefined and locally defined ones with normal fonts. This
helps a little bit, but I agree it does not help more than for toy
examples: very soon you end up not understanding anymore what is going

I wonder if the virtual method-categories of Damien Cassou would help
here? In the traits model all the info is there, it just needs to be
displayed in the browser nicely. Should be a matter of minutes to
define those method-categories (requires, supplies, overrides) to get
a useable trait browser, no?

And to answer the initial question: no, unfortunately not.


Lukas Renggli

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