The website points ... How come?

Jerome Peace peace_the_dreamer at
Fri Dec 8 05:16:41 UTC 2006

Hi Karl

Thanks for the quick reply.

>And I will kick the ball back to you :-) You are
welcome to work with us.

Thank you, but no. Not my cup of tea. Also, I don't
see many others doing what is my cup.
So I think I'm needed where I am.

>The website points would be users of squeak to 3.9
RC1 7061 not 7067. How come?
>karl karl.ramberg at 
>Wed Dec 6 06:35:01 UTC 2006 wrote:
>Jerome Peace skrev:
>> The first thing you see at:
>> is
>> Squeak
>> News
>> *	2006-09-08: Squeak 3.9 is announced.
>> Congratulations. Download links and ftp archives
>> not yet updated.
>> *	2006-09-07: Squeak Weekly News are back:
>> *	2006-05-26: 3.8 current download for MacOS has
>> updated vm to Squeak
>> etc.
>> -----
>> Clicking on Squeak 3.9 starts the download to your
>> system of the out of date Squeak 3.9 RC1 7061.
>Thank you for the feedback.
>I was sure I updated the links a while back... I'll
fix it.
>(Lame excuse: I think the website image was restarted
a and we have not 
>snapshot it recently)

Good results come from good decisions. 
Good decisions come from experience.
Experience comes from bad decisions.

Welcome to another fine learning experience.

>> This seems to me wrong in two ways and dangerous.
>> First it seems odd to me that clicking the news
>> starts the download rather than directing you to a
>> download page.
>You are right, I'll point to the download page.
>> Secondly is seems odd and dangerous for any
>> squeak might want to build for itself that the main
>> page of the website starts off with such old news.
>This is true.
>> I leave it to the board and the web team to work
>> policy and practice to correct this.
>Time passes quick and news get out of date...
>I'll try to keep it more up to date.

It occurs to me that something that needs (NEEDS) to
happen on a periodic basis is a job (JOB).
And the board may need to fund for it and hire someone
to do it. 

Things that can happen whenever they happen will get
done. They get done someone who loves to do them can
find the time. That's how we get the best into squeak.

Somethings remain more urgent and insistent. We should
get the board to think about funding news and link

>> Yours in service, --Jerome Peace

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