
Ramon Leon ramon.leon at
Tue Dec 12 16:04:18 UTC 2006

> The following is the "Monticello Code" I use. I does not 
> really load the latest version. It loads the version with the 
> biggest version number. This has the advantage that it does 
> not download all the versions in order to find out their 
> timestamp. This works better for large repositories like Seaside.
> loadLatestPackage: aString from: aPath
> 	| repository versionsBlock versions tries version |
> 	repository := MCHttpRepository
> 		location: aPath
> 		user: username
> 		password: password.
> 	versionsBlock := [ (repository allVersionNames select: [ :each |
> 		each beginsWith: aString ])
> 		asSortedCollection: [ :a :b |
> 			(a copyAfterLast: $.) asNumber <= (b 
> copyAfterLast: $.) asNumber ] ] fixTemps.
> 	versions := versionsBlock value.
> 	tries := 0.
> 	[ versions isEmpty and: [ tries < 3 ] ] whileTrue: [
> 		versions := versionsBlock value.
> 		tries := tries + 1 ].
> 	versions isEmpty ifTrue: [ self error: 'problems when 
> accessing squeaksource' ].
> 	version := (repository versionReaderForFileNamed: 
> versions last ,
> '.mcz') version.
> 	version load.
> 	version workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: repository.
> Philippe

Thanks, I ended up using this, derived from your code, but abstracting out
the repository and loading, this just finds the newest package in a
repository and returns it's version info.  Works like a charm...

findNewestVersionOf: aPackageName from: aRepository 
    | versionsBlock versions tries |
    versionsBlock := 
            [(aRepository allVersionNames 
                select: [:each | each beginsWith: aPackageName])
                        [:a :b | 
                        (a copyAfterLast: $.) asNumber <= (b copyAfterLast:
$.) asNumber]] 
    versions := versionsBlock value.
    tries := 0.
    [versions isEmpty and: [tries < 3]] whileTrue: 
            [versions := versionsBlock value.
            tries := tries + 1].
    versions isEmpty 
        ifTrue: [self error: 'problems when accessing repository'].
    ^aRepository versionInfoFromFileNamed: versions last , '.mcz'

Ramon Leon  

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