Start with a short user story. ( e.g. kbd focus) (from refactoring morphic thread)

Jerome Peace peace_the_dreamer at
Thu Dec 14 09:27:12 UTC 2006

refactoring morphic

Hi Lukas, hi Enno

I like that this its short. And I think I'll have to
"Now, the biggest annoyance about morphic is that ..."
to my sentence starter list.

I usually start out with the motivation of a morphic
annoyance. If I'm not annoyed enough by something I
won't spend time trying to fix it.

After the annoyance as I start to want to fix it. I
need to focus on the positive side of the user story.

What should morphic do instead?

>Unfortunately changing this is a not so small step,
as it propagates
>trough the whole system :-(
 At the user story stage negatives don't count.
How does the user indicate he wants the keyboard focus
to attend to a particular place?
What moves it?
What would not be allowed to move it?

One of the things I've wanted for a long while is a
sub-keyboard focus.
Arrow keys and cmd keys don't necessarily belong to
the same focus point as text insertion keys.

Can you come up with a user spec for what you want?

Yours in curiosity and service,

Jerome Peace

>Lukas Renggli renggli at 
>Thu Dec 14 06:12:31 UTC 2006 wrote: 
>> Start with a short user story.
>> Finish a sentence like.:
>> Morphic should ...
>Now, the biggest annoyance about morphic is that I
cannot use my
>keyboard properly, e.g. I have to point my mouse to
an input box
>before typing.
>Unfortunately changing this is a not so small step,
as it propagates
>trough the whole system :-(
>Lukas Renggli
>To which Enno Schwass adds: +1

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