Start with a short user story. ( e.g. kbd focus) (from refactoring morphic thread)

tim Rowledge tim at
Tue Dec 19 05:46:28 UTC 2006

On 18-Dec-06, at 7:45 PM, Chris Muller wrote:

> Well, the rewards for a touch typist are that it better allows
> "two-handed" interfaces.  One hand on the mouse, the other on the
> keyboard.  Point, keystroke.  Point, keystroke.  Point, keystroke.
> Three things just got done with just six gestures.
*that* s only going to work well with a one-hand keyboard like the  
Quinkey/Microwriter system. Many moons ago I specified a 2-and-a-half- 
D mouse with a quinkey as the physical half of a CAD UI. Mouse moved  
*and rotated* the pointer. It's a case where us leftys have a real  
advantage since we can mouse with the left hand and type with the  
right.  Aside, of course, from the advantage of being the only people  
in our right minds. :-)

I had vague thoughts about using mouse-twist as a typographic control  
as well. You could gradually twist as you type to smoothly resize the  
text, or alter the colour or... whatever.

tim Rowledge; tim at;
Useful random insult:- Solid concrete from the eyebrows backwards.

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