ClosureCompiler in 3.8#6665

Duncan Mak duncanmak at
Wed Feb 8 13:48:05 UTC 2006

On 2/8/06, Marcus Denker <denker at> wrote:
> Did you install *first* nCompiler, *then* ClosureCompiler-ajh?

On SqueakMap, the entry for nCompiler shows:

nCompiler for 3.8 (20)

so I assumed that it's already using the latest version.

If I try to install it again, I get a Syntax Error for:


	| i |
	self numArgs = 0 ifFalse: [^ 0].
	lastSpecialReturn ifNil: [^ 0].
	seqBytes size = 1 ifFalse: [^ 0].
	^ lastSpecialReturn selector caseOf: {
		Association between 0-argument blocks required ->[#returnReceiver] -> [256].
		[#returnConstant:] -> [
			(i _ SpecialConstants indexOf: lastSpecialReturn argument) > 0
				ifTrue: [256 + i] ifFalse: [0]].
		[#returnInstVar:] -> [263 + lastSpecialReturn argument]


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