Squeak on PDA

Yoshiki Ohshima yoshiki at squeakland.org
Mon Feb 27 08:04:06 UTC 2006

> BTW, your image should not be more than 12 MBytes. It's a maximum that 
> is hardcoded into the VM for some reason.
> Can someone explain why we have this? Can't we remove it?

  Back in time, Windows CE had (has?) 32MB segmented memory model.
The 32MB was shared with binary text and data and (if I remember
correctly) OS, and with some trial and error, I found that 12MB seemed
the upper limit for Squeak image.

  Later I added the backing store mechanism, If there is some external
storage, a memory mapped file can be created on the storage and
somehow that memory object can be bigger than 12MB.

  I'm not sure about the Windows Mobile.  I might imagine that 12MB is
small for today's Windows Mobile apps, so they might have lifed the limit...

-- Yoshiki

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