Spoon progress 15 January 2006: new minimum, new system tracer

tim Rowledge tim at rowledge.org
Mon Jan 16 18:39:58 UTC 2006

On 16-Jan-06, at 10:26 AM, Craig Latta wrote:

> Hi again--
> 	I've written enough of the new tracer to write an object memory  
> which adds 3 and 4, then quits. The snapshot[1] is 1,772 bytes  
> uncompressed. Without using the simulator or visualization tools,  
> about the most interesting thing you can do with it is watch it not  
> crash. :)  But I do think this is a fun proof-of-concept.
Bloody good show! Suggestion for a Neat Demo; extend this a little to
a) print out the answer as the return code or to stdio or whatever.  
There are some prims that should help do that without too much extra  
image code. I think. Maybe. Easy to add a primPrintStringToTerminal  
b) accept simple equations as startup args
Making a little Smalltalk commandline caculator app. Won't be 1700  
bytes but surely less than 16kb.

tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.

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