Do you think that squeak is long overdue for a Refactoring only pass.

stéphane ducasse ducasse at
Tue Jan 24 11:10:20 UTC 2006

> Yup. Personally, I think:
> - Start refactoring Collections and Morphic using Traits - I think
> these two packages have a lot of code duplication all over the place
> that could be neatly cleaned up in that way;

I would not so that people do not feel prisoner of traits.
Our goal is not to impose traits.

> - Junk Etoys (SqueakLand has made it abundandly clear they're not
> interested in us maintaing Etoys; we need to see whether it makes
> sense to maintain a separate Etoys just for Smalland(?));


> - Bring all unit tests to green. All of them (so junk that SUnit unit
> test that is supposed to give red - green is green, not 'all green but
> one red and you have to check every time whether it is that Sunit
> test'). I can start running Squeak's on Fire to support that process.

I would like that!

> - Refactor mercilessly and take no prisoners.
> In fact, all of that could be done during 3.9b. After all, refactoring
> is not changing behavior, by definition :-).

We should not. We are exhausted and we should soon step back and
only look at fixes.


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