Error while setting jpeg background from file (primitive failed)

Adrian Lienhard adi at
Mon Jan 30 08:52:22 UTC 2006

On Jan 29, 2006, at 19:58 , Andreas Raab wrote:
> Quite a bit. The traits installation adds two variables to Behavior  
> (traitComposition and localSelectors) and it looks like this isn't  
> as harmless for the VM as most people (including myself) thought.

yes, we were not aware of the fact that not only the first three  
ivars are hardcoded but also the ninth of Class!

> Fixing this will not be easy - if a VM change is required it means  
> that older images will fail on newer VMs and vice versa.

An easy fix would be to pull the two new ivars down into Class and  
Metaclass (declaring the accessors abstract in Behavior and implement  
them in Class and Metaclass).  Although this is not that nice, it  
seams to be simpler than changing the VM.


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