Two Squeak-related bugs and three questions

Milan Zimmermann milan.zimmermann at
Thu Jun 15 18:50:51 UTC 2006

On 2006 June 15 12:28, tim Rowledge wrote:
> Comments that explain the intent, the purpose, the reason, for the
> code are crucial to maintaining a system. 


> The old joke "comments? why 
> do think it's called code?" sums up the antithesis of responsible
> programming that seems to be the normal approach. Yes, reading the
> code tells you what it *does* do (until you find a compiler bug for
> example) but it tells you nothing about what it was intended to do,
> what spec it was putatively meeting or what limits on its
> functionality were known about.


> tim
> --
> tim Rowledge; tim at;
> Strange OpCodes: SD: Self Destruct

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