Traits Browser Availablity

Thomas Koenig tomkoenig at
Mon Jun 19 01:54:46 UTC 2006

In 3.9b 7033, using Monticello browser, from the  repository, load OB-Tests-Core-cwp.1.mcz
(This will allow you to run the associated s-unit tests for OmniBrowser and
is a prereq to run the tests for Trait Structure Browser) 

And from the  repository, load

If you select and run OB-Tests-Core and TraitsOmniBrowser-Test test in
TestRunner, it should run 173 tests with 165 passing. The 3 failures and 5
errors appear in OB-Tests-Core w/o the Trait Structure Browser changes.  If
you get different results then I've probably failed to classify some
overridden method a *TraitsOmniBrowser.

In a work space, do
OBTraitStructureBrowser open

To see the difference between this browser and the default SystemBrowser, do
a find on Behavior, and explore the treatment of trait compositions and the
virtual method categories.  

OBTraitStructureBrowser seems to be working as far as it goes.  We still
need to add a fair bit of functionality from Browser (e.g. you can't do a
find on a Trait) and the Traits Browser as described in the papers (e.g, no
easy way to change a method in the trait versus in the using class).  This
version is probably worth others trying.  The latest version is mine, but of
course Adrian and Daniel have done all the heavy lifting.

> -----Original Message-----
> could we use your code as an example in the OB paper we are writing?
> Does it load in latest 3.9

> On 4 juin 06, at 23:36, Daniel Vainsencher wrote:
> > Yes, the new tools are indeed not as complete as those that existed
> > in the prototype, but they do include the hardest features to
> > implement. What does exist shows how to extend the Omnibrowser in
> > the right direction, and the OB is a pleasure to extend, once you
> > get into it.
> >
> >
> > Adrian Lienhard wrote:
> >> Daniel Vainsencher and Tom Koenig worked on a new Traits browser
> >> based on OmniBrowser (and also one that integrated the requires
> >> algorithm by Nathanael). See
> >> TraitsOmniBrowser.html
> >>
> >> On Jun 4, 2006, at 17:39 , Philippe Marschall wrote:
> >>> OmniBrowser aka "Image Browser". But it has still some rough edges
> >>> when it comes to traits and is not close to the described tools.
> >>>
> >>> 2006/6/4, danil osipchuk <danil at>:
> >>>> Which browser one should use with traits implementation found in
> >>>> current
> >>>> 3.9beta? Default tools in 3.9 don't look as handy as those
> >>>> described in
> >>>> white-papers (in this one for example:
> >>>>
> >>>> traitsPrototype.htm
> >>>> ). May be there are some preferences to enable or package for
> >>>> download?

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