Proposal for a Squeak migration meeting

stéphane ducasse ducasse at
Wed Jun 21 09:16:03 UTC 2006

>> Tim you are pointing a very important point. After the announce of  
>> the
>> change to APSL2.0 of Squeak1.1, we have to ask ourself which part of
>> {Squeak3.8}\{Squeak1.1} can be relicensed and probably much more
>> important which part cannot be relicensed.
> I very much doubt that there are any parts that cannot be  
> relicensed, if in fact it is even really neccesary. What would be  
> wrong with taking the position that the original squeak license  
> (which is quite adequately free in my opinion) has been rescinded  
> and replaced by the APSL? I think that would be compatible with the  
> SqL clause about relicensing so long as it is no less protective of  
> Apple,  since after all they have chosen this new license. Surely  
> *any* code released under SqL can be declared as relicensed?

you see tim this what I would like to know from the laywer we  
contacted ( do not remember his name).

>> And of course we have to considerer in one hand the VM part and in  
>> the
>> other hand the Image part.

> I think we've pretty much always taken the approach that code  
> offered for VM inclusion is SqL and that it becomes community  
> property. I believe that anyone that offers a community some code  
> for inclusion into a community project is implicity donating that  
> code in its entirety. If they're not.. well they can just bugger off.
> I truly can't understand this constant complaint about licensing.  
> At one level it's a particularly obnoxious form of pseudo- 
> intellectual masturbation since most of the complainers are not  
> even faintly qualified to offer real opinions and at another level  
> it's pretty much completely irrelevant. These so-called 'free  
> licenses' are legally untested, rarely take any consideration of  
> differing national boundaries and legal systems and generally smack  
> of smackhead barrackroom lawyering. Five sizable companies I could  
> name have had no problem with using Squeak under the baleful glare  
> of the SqL.

Agree but this is another discussion :)

> tim
> --
> tim Rowledge; tim at;
> There's a guy works down the fish shop swears he's elvish...

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