3.9a-7006: ":=" replaced by "_"

Marcus Denker denker at iam.unibe.ch
Wed Mar 8 09:00:26 UTC 2006

On 08.03.2006, at 09:38, Dan Corneanu wrote:

> Marcus Denker wrote:
>> Before 3.9 goes beta, we will have relaced all the _ by :=, and
>> everything will be fine.
>>       Marcus
> What happend with '<-' ? I kind of liked it more than ':=' or '_'.

There is no backarrow on my keyboard, and there is no backarrow
in the ASCII font. Especially, it is *extremely* strange to just co-opt
the underscore. What if I want to use an underscore? What
about copy and paste? Ever tried to read an email containing Squeak

So the re-defined _ was clearly a bug, and thus we fixed it.

Now _ looks very strange for assignment, so it's better to use :=.

Another reason: Most changesets that I integrated came with :=
over the last years, as people use Shout which silently replaces
_ with := by default, or use Squeak's pretty printer which printed
:= by default, too.

Now all this does not mean that I think that ASCII is the best
way to display code. But if we want to move forward on that
regard, let's do it for real, not with this strange _ thing.

I for one would like to have a system that does not save text
at all but has a higher-level representation and a very powerful


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