3.9a-7006: ":=" replaced by "_"

Bert Freudenberg bert at impara.de
Wed Mar 8 15:04:29 UTC 2006

Am 08.03.2006 um 11:46 schrieb Viktor Svub:

> Dan Corneanu wrote:
>> Marcus Denker wrote:
>>> Before 3.9 goes beta, we will have relaced all the _ by :=, and
>>> everything will be fine.
>>>      Marcus
>> What happend with '<-' ? I kind of liked it more than ':=' or '_'.
> actually, i too would like to see '<-' as an alternative to ':=',  
> it's non-ansi, but looks more 'smalltalkish'... some votes?

I liked the idea that was floating about that we always use ':='  
internally (and presumably externally, like files or clipboard, too),  
but we render it in the browser however the user likes, and we insert  
it on whatever keyboard binding the user chose. Best of all worlds :)

- Bert -

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