overridding constructor...how to?

Elod Kironsky kironsky at grisoft.cz
Thu Mar 9 11:58:11 UTC 2006


> hi all,
>   in order to override a constructor for my objects, in order to make 
> some initializzation of instance variables, what i have to do? 
> Defining a new methods seems not to work... what i'm doing wrong? 
> Where i can find a useful reference about squeak programming? thanks 
> in advance,
> nelson
You have to override the initialize method in your class. BTW: you 
should start at www.squeak.org and got through the links. A bunch of 
useful information there for newbies too. If you are deriving a class 
don't forget to call super initialize, if you want to initialize the 
instance variables of the super class.


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