testing the existance of a file...

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Wed Mar 15 20:35:53 UTC 2006

Philippe Marschall puso en su mail :

> To be honest I found out that the combination of OSProcess and *nix
> tools (cp, stat, test, ...) works much better for tasks such as
> querying filesize, querying file existence, copying large (15 MB)
> files than "the Squeak way".
> Cheers
> Philippe
You could combine Squeak and Unix in OS X via Applescript too.

"Applescript terminal"

    self doIt: '

tell application "Terminal"
     do script  "cd ~/SqueakDevelop
    grep -l ''Morph'' *.st "

end tell'

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