About use of specific error

ncellier@ifrance.com ncellier at ifrance.com
Fri Mar 17 14:16:53 UTC 2006

 Thanks Andreas for your different point of view.

So if i want these exceptions for my apps without breaking current behaviour for yours, then i need a default handler that quietly pass the exception and proceed with NaN or Inf. I do not figure yet how it would be implemented but that's something interesting to look at.


Andreas Raab:
 nicolas cellier wrote:

 > Lets return to arithmetic exceptions, I would really like to have them instead 
 > of silent NaNs/Inf. NaN should be a way of handling arithmetic exception, but 
 > not the preferred way. Anyone disagree ?
 Completely. Personally, I've yet to find a place where a floating point 
 exceptions would be more useful than silent NaNs or Infs (btw, I'm not 
 arguing that this has to be true in your case, just that it is in mine).
    - Andreas
iFRANCE, exprimez-vous !
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