Socket problems : ConnectionTimedOut

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at
Fri Mar 17 17:51:57 UTC 2006


File in the attached.


Socket initializeNetwork.
    socket _ Socket newTCP.
        connectTo: (NetNameResolver addressForName: serverName)
        port: 8000.
    socket waitForConnectionUntil: Socket standardDeadline

And let me know how works for you , I use on OS x and Windows


-------------- next part --------------

!Socket methodsFor: 'waiting' stamp: 'edc 2/15/2004 09:19'!
waitForDataUntil: deadline 
	"Wait up until the given deadline for data to arrive. Return true if data 
	arrives by the deadline, false if not."
	| dataArrived |
	[self isConnected & (dataArrived := self primSocketReceiveDataAvailable: socketHandle) not
		and: ["Connection end and final data can happen fast, so test in this 
			order "
			Time millisecondClockValue < deadline]]
		whileTrue: [self readSemaphore waitTimeoutMSecs: deadline - Time millisecondClockValue].
	^ dataArrived! !

!Socket methodsFor: 'waiting' stamp: 'edc 10/5/2004 11:42'!
waitForSendDoneUntil: deadline
	"Wait up until the given deadline for the current send operation to complete. Return true if it completes by the deadline, false if not."

	| sendDone |
	[self isConnected & (sendDone := self primSocketSendDone: socketHandle) not
			"Connection end and final data can happen fast, so test in this order"
		and: [Time millisecondClockValue < deadline]] whileTrue: [
			self writeSemaphore waitTimeoutMSecs: (deadline - Time millisecondClockValue)].

	^ sendDone! !

!Socket methodsFor: 'waiting' stamp: 'jm 3/2/98 18:15'!
waitForConnectionUntil: deadline
	"Wait up until the given deadline for a connection to be established. Return true if it is established by the deadline, false if not."

	| status |
	status _ self primSocketConnectionStatus: socketHandle.
	[(status = WaitingForConnection) and: [Time millisecondClockValue < deadline]]
		whileTrue: [
			semaphore waitTimeoutMSecs: (deadline - Time millisecondClockValue).
			status _ self primSocketConnectionStatus: socketHandle].

	^ status = Connected! !

!Socket methodsFor: 'waiting' stamp: 'edc 10/5/2004 11:44'!
waitForDisconnectionUntil: deadline
	"Wait up until the given deadline for the the connection to be broken. Return true if it is broken by the deadline, false if not."
	"Note: The client should know the the connect is really going to be closed (e.g., because he has called 'close' to send a close request to the other end) before calling this method.
JMM 00/5/17 note that other end can close which will terminate wait"

	| extraBytes status |
	extraBytes := 0.
	status := self primSocketConnectionStatus: socketHandle.
	[((status = Connected) or: [(status = ThisEndClosed)]) and:
	 [Time millisecondClockValue < deadline]] whileTrue: [
		self dataAvailable
			ifTrue: [extraBytes := extraBytes + self discardReceivedData].
		semaphore waitTimeoutMSecs: (deadline - Time millisecondClockValue).
		status := self primSocketConnectionStatus: socketHandle].

	extraBytes > 0
		ifTrue: [self inform: 'Discarded ', extraBytes printString, ' bytes while closing connection.'].

	^ status ~= Connected
! !

!Socket methodsFor: 'waiting' stamp: 'edc 4/12/2004 08:52'!
waitForAcceptUntil: deadLine 
	"Wait and accept an incoming connection"
	self waitForConnectionUntil: deadLine.
	^ self isConnected
		ifTrue: [self accept]! !

!Socket methodsFor: 'sending-receiving objects' stamp: 'edc 8/2/2005 08:10'!
	"gets a serialized object from this socket"
	| encoded newObject |
	encoded := RWBinaryOrTextStream on: ''.
	[encoded size isZero]
		whileTrue: [encoded nextPutAll: self getData].
	[self isConnected
		and: [self dataAvailable]]
		whileTrue: [encoded nextPutAll: self getData].
	encoded reset.
	newObject :=  encoded fileInObjectAndCode.
	! !

!Socket methodsFor: 'sending-receiving objects' stamp: 'edc 8/2/2005 06:45'!
sendObject: anObject 
	"sends a serialized object to this socket"
	| encoded |
	encoded _ SmartRefStream streamedRepresentationOf: anObject.
	self sendData: encoded! !

!Socket methodsFor: 'receiving' stamp: 'edc 2/15/2004 09:17'!
	| t1 t2 |
	(self waitForDataUntil: Socket standardDeadline)
		ifFalse: [self error: 'getData timeout'].
	t1 _ String new: 4000.
	t2 _ self
				primSocket: socketHandle
				receiveDataInto: t1
				startingAt: 1
				count: t1 size.
	^ t1 copyFrom: 1 to: t2! !

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