SUnit: Skipping tests?

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Sun Mar 26 23:08:17 UTC 2006

Hi Folks -

I am in the interesting situation that I'm writing a few tests that 
require large data sets for input and where I don't want people to 
require to download the data sets. My problem is while it's easy to 
determine that the data is missing and skip the test there isn't a good 
way of relaying this to the user. From the user's point of view "all 
tests are green" even though that statement is completely meaningless 
and I'd rather communicate that in a way that says "X tests skipped" so 
that one can look at and decide whether it's useful to re-run the tests 
with the data sets or not.

Another place where I've seen this to happen is when platform specific 
tests are involved. A test which cannot be run on some platform should 
be skipped meaningfully (e.g., by telling the user it was skipped) 
rather than to appear green and working.

Any ideas?

   - Andreas

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