SUnit: Skipping tests?

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Mon Mar 27 18:16:18 UTC 2006

Diego Fernandez wrote:
> On 3/27/06, *Andreas Raab* <andreas.raab at 
> <mailto:andreas.raab at>> wrote:
>     It's 8MB a pop so no, I think it's not really feasible to stick that
>     test data into a method ;-)
> A test that needs 8mb of data doesn't look like a unit test to me.
> Why you need 8mb, you can't test the same with a few bytes only?

It's test data to guarantee that floating point operations create the 
same bit patterns across platforms (1 million samples per operation). 
BTW, there is a "common" variant of those tests that run with a few 
bytes only (by MD5-hashing and comparing it to the expected result) but 
that doesn't help you understanding what is going wrong and where. In 
any case, my inquiry wasn't about the concrete test but rather about the 
issue of skipped tests in general. This example just reminded me of the 
issue again (that I had thought about before when I wrote certain 
platform tests).

   - Andreas

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