SUnit: Skipping tests?

stéphane ducasse ducasse at
Mon Mar 27 18:27:19 UTC 2006

> While developing the new test-runner and this SmallLint extension I
> struggled with SUnit several times. Even-tough there are always ways
> to subclass and configure it to suit special needs, it gets very soon
> ugly and cumbersome.
> After 3 years of not having touched Java, I decided to have a quick
> look at JUnit 4 [1] and I must say that they changed a lot to the
> positive. It makes me sad to see that SUnit still looks more or less
> the same as the first time I've used it about 4 years ago. We should
> really try to improve it! Imagine a newbie coming from Java and seeing
> a testing-framework looks like JUnit 1.0 :-/

Excellent idea. Any taker. I think that the backward compatibility  
the dialect is a good idea as soon as it does not get in our way.

So if you have suggestions please say them

> A new test runner should be the second step (I've done that already,
> because the old one was simply causing too much pain), an improved
> test-model should be the first step! ;-)

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