SUnit: Skipping tests?

Markus Gaelli gaelli at
Wed Mar 29 18:06:16 UTC 2006

On Mar 29, 2006, at 7:35 PM, Markus Gaelli wrote:

> On the other hand some philosophers like Wittgenstein or linguists  
> like Lakoff would say that there are better and worse examples for  
> a given concept - you would not explain the concept of a bird to a  
> child with a penguin first...
> So how do I make explicit which "animal" I am really interested in  
> a test?
> Again, just use the block concept.
> 	FooTest >> testBar
> 		"Our tool is actually able to detect that this is an InverseTest"
> 		"..someSetupCode for blaBla."
> 		(...)
> 		self test: [aResult := blaBla bar inverseBar] "All methods called  
> in the test block are methods under test"
> 		"some assertions to make this a test and not a mere example"
> 		self assert: (aResult = blaBla)

Having said all this, I have to retract my arguments vs.
	self shouldnt:[bb copyBits] raise: Error.
from my morning mail of course...

If its always Error that I don't expect in my methods under test I  
could rewrite

> self test: [aResult := blaBla bar inverseBar] "All methods called  
> in the test block are methods under test"

from above easily into

	self shouldntRaiseError: [aResult := blaBla bar inverseBar] "All  
methods called in the test block are methods under test"
The only difference to Andreas' solution would be that I would  
bracket the methods under test like this, even if there are some  
assertions down below in the code.



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