preparing squeak3.9beta

stéphane ducasse ducasse at
Thu May 4 14:39:30 UTC 2006

Hi guys

I'm harvesting a batch of last changes before going beta (I hope to  
be able to merge the fixes of adrian for traits).

Now I would like you to think about the following:
	- Marcus will step from harvesting so we will need to think about  
what we can do because I will certainly not be able
	to survive the integration
		- here are possible solutions (certainly overlapping)
			- some committed people help the integration
			- we get a better automated built (I would like to ask the  
foundation to pay someone
			to help me here)
			- team model work better

	- Some tests are red and some tests are blocking the image, it would  
be good to be able
	to ship 39 green.


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