Color Class has a bug

Frank Shearar frank.shearar at
Thu Nov 9 11:12:12 UTC 2006

"Peter Osburg" <peter.osburg at> wrote:

> hello there,
> i don't know it the problem is still known but the following i figured
> yesterday:
> when using the class method
> Color>>fromString: 'yellow'
> or also
> Color>>fromString: 'orange'
> you will always get the hex-value of black. so i figured the following
> mistake

I'm running Squeak3.8-6665 (admittedly that's quite old, but anyhow). I ran
in a Workspace

Color fromString: '#orange' which returned a "Color orange", and
Color fromString: 'orange' which returned a "Color orange".

In short, I can't duplicate your problem (on my system).

> aString first = $#
> >         ifTrue: [aColorHex := aString copyFrom: 2 to: aString size]
> >         ifFalse: [aColorHex := aString].
> >     [aColorHex size = 6
> >         ifTrue:
> >             [aColorHex := aColorHex asUppercase.
> >             red := ('16r', (aColorHex copyFrom: 1 to: 2)) asNumber/255.
> >             green := ('16r', (aColorHex copyFrom: 3 to: 4))
> >             blue := ('16r', (aColorHex copyFrom: 5 to: 6)) asNumber/255.
> >             ^ self r: red g: green b: blue]]
> u see: aColorHex will be aString when there is no '#' within the string.
> when the string has just the size of 6 (like it is given with 'yellow' or
> 'orange' then the statement will also be true. in fact of that you get a
> wrong hex for the right color :)

This is only part of the version of fromString in my image. The bit
immediately after the above snippet says

    ifError: [:err :rcvr | "not a hex color triplet" ].

If you debug "Color fromString: 'orange'" you'll see the debugger will trace
into this (empty) block. Since 'orange' isn't a hex colour triple, nothing's
returned, and we continue execution:

    "try to match aColorHex with known named colors"
    aColorHex _ aColorHex asLowercase.

    ^self perform: (ColorNames detect: [:i | i asString asLowercase =
     ifNone: [#white])

Since 'orange' is an element in ColorNames, the "self perform" bit will
execute "Color orange", returning the colour you desired.

Does this help?


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