Adding actions to OmniBrowser menu

Damien Cassou damien.cassou at
Thu Oct 5 14:59:46 UTC 2006

Colin Putney a écrit :
> On Oct 4, 2006, at 11:01 AM, stephane ducasse wrote:
>> do you imply based on services :) ?
>> Because it would be nice if we could remove abstractions that are 
>> duplicated.
> No, not based on the services used in 3.9. I tried doing that, but I 
> found that I couldn't implement services that would work properly 
> regardless of the metagraph used by the browser. Then I tried extending 
> services, but the complexity got out of hand pretty quickly. So I ended 
> up creating a simple OmniBrowser-specific version of services, which 
> will be much easier to deal with. I'm now converting the existing 
> actions into OB services.

Too bad you want to keep compatibility with 3.8 because pragmas were a 
very good solution (implemented with Alexandre Bergel in OB and it just 
worked). Keep working Colin, OB is very good.

Damien Cassou

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