what is the status of multi window

tim Rowledge tim at rowledge.org
Sun Oct 15 16:34:27 UTC 2006

On 15-Oct-06, at 4:06 AM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> Am 15.10.2006 um 09:46 schrieb stephane ducasse:
>> Hi tim
>> I was asked what was the status of "Fnestrai" what is its status.  
>> Do we have a chance to get it for squeak?
> What do you mean by "get it"? Take it ;)
> "Areithfa Ffenestri" support is in the Mac and Windows VMs.

And RISC OS! :-) It *should* be easy enough to add to unix as well.  
There is nothing very difficult about it, mostly some cleaning up of  
vm apis to allow specifying a window handle instead of assuming a  
single window.

> You just need to install the image code. The only download location  
> I know is Ffenestri-b1.sar in John's iDisk (http://homepage.mac.com/ 
> johnmci/FileSharing.html) under experimental/TweakFfenestri
> Some of the code might be specific to Tweak, but the plugin  
> certainly is not. You should at least be able to call the  
> primitives to open windows, display a form etc.

Absolutely. The original development testing was done with workspace  
doits to open windows, display in them, fetch events from them. John  
did some demo stuff to try to hook up individual project windows to  
host windows. I think it should be a case of hooking individual  
windows to host windows instead. Somebody with good knowledge of  
morphic would need to look at that. See http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/ 

tim Rowledge; tim at rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Oxymorons: Peace force

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