How to set current directory for OSProcess?

David T. Lewis lewis at
Sat Oct 28 13:32:08 UTC 2006

On Fri, Oct 27, 2006 at 01:07:25PM +0100, Simon Guest wrote:
> Background: I'm trying to call LaTeX from Squeak using OSProcess, so I
> can have nicely formatted maths formulae, using LaTeX preview mode and
> Ghostscript to generate PNG files from the PDF that LaTeX produces.
> But I'm stuck trying to invoke a command such as pdflatex.exe from
> Squeak in a directory of my choosing. 
> So, having created a temporary directory, how do I run my command in a
> sub-process with that as the current directory?

If you are using a Unix/Linux/OS X machine, one way to do this sort
of thing is with a CommandShell script:

cs := CommandShell new open; yourself.
cs script:
'echo change directory to /tmp
cd /tmp
echo do some LaTeX stuff here
echo you can use pipelines also | cat
sleep 4
  onFailureDo: [:p |
    cs command: 'exit'.
    'the command that failed was ', p printString]

You don't actually need to open the CommandShell window, but it helps
to do so while you are debugging your scripts.


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