Pending Mac Carbon VM 3.8.12beta6U (multi-button mouse support)

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Thu Sep 7 06:15:52 UTC 2006

John M McIntosh wrote:
> Ok, well I was offering up three behaviours.
> a) the original mac one button mouse behaviour and how it interacts now 
> with multiple mice.
> b) the broken window behaviour, I mean could change the info.plist key 
> to brokenWindowsBehaviour if people want.

Huh? What is "broken" about this behavior? It is normal, no expected, 
behavior on Windows to operate a context menu using the right mouse 
button. And since it's a preference you can change, how can it be 
"broken" at all? Besides, isn't the default on OSX to operate context 
menus with the right mouse button, too?

   - Andreas

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