
Diego Gomez Deck DiegoGomezDeck at consultar.com
Thu Sep 7 16:03:56 UTC 2006


> Here is a small list of dynamic protocols currently implemented:
> - HaltUsage: displays all methods containing a call to #halt.
> - Override: contains methods that are defined in the superclasses and 
> redefined in the current class.
> - RecentlyModified: contains recently modified methods (< 5 minutes).
> - SuperSend: displays methods sending a message to 'super'

More ideas:

      * UncommentedMethods: Methods with the comment missing.
      * MethodsToSee: Methods with #todo, #fixThis or #bob.
      * LargeMethods: More than 20 lines of code.
      * DuplicatedMethods: Same implementation in the superclass
      * MethodsWithSlips: Transcript, #halt, etc
      * MethodsToImplement: Methods with #subclassResponsibility in the
        superclass but not yet implemented.
      * LastChanged: The list of N last changed methods.

(from http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/2419 )


-- Diego

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