
Daniel Vainsencher danielv at techunix.technion.ac.il
Thu Sep 7 18:34:03 UTC 2006

I miscommunicated -

The "required methods" computation already exists, and is either in the 
image already or in a SqS package called TraitsOmniBrowser. Last summer, 
while I was doing an internship at Andrew Black's, we took an initial 
implementation done by Nathanael and adapted it for real time 
computation in a live OmniBrowser. The TraitsOmniBrowser contains the 
OB-derived browser that shows that category.

The real-time part requires a little extra integration with the OB which 
is demonstrated there, but adapting this to DynamicProtocols is probably 
not very hard, just not in my focus. If someone is interested in getting 
this code in use, though, I'll be glad to help with questions.


damien.cassou wrote:
>> Look at/integrate/complete the TraitsBrowser virtual categories:
>> - Required methods (MethodsToImplement as described by
> Diego, but also 
>> includes methods self sent but never implemented and more)
> The idea of DynamicProtocols come from 'A Browser For
> Incremental Programming' by Nathanael Shärli and Andrew P.
> Black. I already read this paper and really would like this
> 'required' protocol.
>> - Methods from Traits
> good idea
>> - ... if you're interested, look at the SCG papers and ask
> about the 
>> existing code.
> I already read the paper two time. But the description of the
> algorithm is uncomplete in the paper and I was not able to
> implement it.
> Everybody is free to implement new protocols and publish them.
> This is really easy.

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