Squeak Tutorial for Java Programmers [Link Update] [ANN]

Jason Rogers jacaetevha at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 15:08:39 UTC 2006

I wouldn't suggest duplicating the documentation though.  Perhaps
linking to what's already out there would be good.  I don't know about
documentation for Pier and Magritte, but I remember running across
something for Monticello (just Google for them).

Also, at my day job there has been a lot of hype about a plugin to
Eclipse called Mylar.  It's a way of looking at task-based changes in
the environment, committing task-based changes, etc.  All I could
think of while looking at it was "Wow, we've had that in Smalltalk for
years.  Can anyone say ChangeSet?".  Monticello takes that to the next
level, but perhaps a short section on using ChangeSets would be good
(with the appropriate screenshots as well of course).

I will add a link to this tutorial today, to both the testing and the main site.

On 9/11/06, Giovanni Giorgi <daitangio at gmail.com> wrote:
> I will take a look to Pier.
> Monticello is very nice and well written, but  is quite an "advanced"
> topic for a tutorial like mine.
> Is Pier ready and stable?
> On 9/11/06, J J <azreal1977 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > What about monicello?  I think any java programmer would be excited to see
> > that squeak has built in method version control, method rollbacks and all
> > those things as part of the environment, and I think monticello takes it to
> > the next level.
> >
> > Pier (a content management system built on seaside and magaritte) would also
> > be a good choice.  You can build web sites very quickly from inside the
> > browser and easily embed any seaside components you have.
> >
> --
> Software Architect
> http://www.objectsroot.com/
> Software is nothing

Jason Rogers

"Where there is no vision, the people perish..."
    Proverbs 29:18

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