An 3.9 image for developers

Cédrick Béler cbeler at
Fri Sep 15 14:32:14 UTC 2006

I chose
ImageConfigurator new install
> ps: ImageConfigurator>>allThmes  should have #squeaDevImage instead of 
> squeakDevImageConfigurator...  didn't commit it as I wasn't sure
other small bugs...

- ImageConfigurator>>usabilityEnhancements is not defined

- if on a browser, we choose a new default one with the upper left icon, 
RB is twice and once written RefractoringBrowser. In ImageConfigurator 
squeakDevImageConfiguration   there is 
    addSqueakMapPackage: 'Tric-RefractoringBrowser';
RefractoringBrowser open an empty RB. Is it something normal ?


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